Application for Membership

The aim of The Victorian Button Collectors Club is to encourage the collecting, preservation and appreciation of buttons (antique and modern), and the research into the history relating to their origins and uses. It is also to encourage members to exchange information, to show their collections, and to organise social activities that foster these aims.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (except January) at 8.00 p.m. at the Burwood Heights Uniting Church, corner Burwood Highway & Blackburn Road, Burwood East. For further information contact Cathryn Glover (Membership Secretary / Hon Secretary) on 0437 848 677 – [email protected]. Enquiries can be emailed to [email protected].

Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of July each year. Please send payment, in Australian Dollars, to the Honorary Treasurer, P.O. Box 75, Blackburn South, 3130. Payment can also be made by direct deposit to Westpac:- BSB 033112 A/C 144261. *Please remember to add your name, or send an email to [email protected] giving the bank’s reference code for your deposit. You can also pay using PayPal - [email protected]

Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of July each year.Subscription rates for 2024/25 are :- Adult $60; Junior (under 18) $20; Family $65; Overseas $80 (Paper Journal); Digital Journal Only $50. More information and bank details are contained in the Membership Form below. Please forward payment to the Cathryn Glover (Membership Secretary / Hon Secretary), P.O. Box 75, Blackburn South, 3130.

TVBCC Member benefits include:

  • New members Kit; including one back-issue of Australian Button Collector Journal, vital button storage information and a copy of the TVBCC Constitution.
  • Quarterly copy of the Autralian Button Collector Journal; including stories from members, colour photographs of buttons, regular features and reports from presentations of TVBCC monthly speakers.
  • Admission to monthly TVBCC meetings; enjoy presentations, share new finds, participate in auctions and raffles and meet other members.
  • Access to 'member's-only' section of the TVBCC website.
  • Free entry to Annual TVBCC events, including the Buttonfest and biennial regional Buttonfest events (tba) plus the opportunity to become a stallholder (hire fees apply).
  • TVBCC Library access; collection of books and journals that include back-issues of National Button Bulletin (US) and Australian Button Collector (VIC) Journal, button guides, identification manuals and other button-related volumes.
  • TVBCC Member list; a comprehensive contact list of other Club members, to help you keep in touch with button collectors across Australia.
  • TVBCC Button Club membership badge (if requested)
  • Voting rights at TVBCC Annual General Meeting.

Extra copies of the Journal can be purchased for $12.00 each + postage. ($2 Aus, $5.50 NZ & $8.00 O'seas)

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